
“Love God” calls us to know more about God and what God wants for us.

You can’t love what you don’t know. Here at SHPC we offer a wide variety of classes and bible studies that aim to deepen our understanding of who God is and how we can live into all that God desires for us.

Current Class Offerings Here At SHPC

This page will continue to be updated with upcoming classes that you can join here at Shepherd, so check back in the fall for more opportunities!

Jesus In The Gospels

Mondays | 10:30AM | Adult Portable 

Jesus in the Gospels in a 30-week study that will be offered in two sessions. This study focuses on the portraits of Jesus found in the four Gospels. The word in used in the title signals that this study takes an approach different from the familiar “life and teaching of Jesus” approach of reading stories and accounts of what Jesus said and did in order to draw conclusions of their meaning about who Jesus was. This study looks at the way each Gospel writer presents events and teaching and at the picture of Jesus that emerges in each of the Gospels.

Bible Studies

Mary Martha Circle

First Thursdays | 1PM | Hybrid

The Mary Martha Circle (MMC) is a group of loving and caring women who meet for fellowship and study a Christ-centered lesson monthly, September to May. This year we will be focused on rediscovering joy through the book UnDistracted by Bob Goff.  
Our name reflects our sisterhood with an emphasis on our faith and our good works, like sisters in the Bible, Mary and Martha.  We support several church sponsored missions.  We would love for you to join us! For more information, please contact Susan Wetmore or Patti Riggs.

Association of Retired Christian Men

Thursdays | 10AM | Church Library or Zoom

The Association of Retired Christian Men (ARCM) meets in-person every Thursday morning at 10:00AM in the church library and via Zoom. They are currently studying the Book of Acts.

Want to join a Centering Prayer Group?

Monday & Friday Mornings | 7:30 - 8:00AM CST | Zoom

Click the link below to learn more about prayer sessions that serve as a steady anchor which allow us, through God’s grace, to experience contemplative times of inner stillness and a peace that passes understanding.