“Love God” calls us to know more about God and what God wants for us.
You can’t love what you don’t know. Here at SHPC we offer a wide variety of classes and bible studies that aim to deepen our understanding of who God is and how we can live into all that God desires for us.

Current Class Offerings At SHPC
The Enneagram: Understanding the System
Mondays | 6:30PM | Cafe & Zoom | March 31 - April 21
This 4 week in-depth introduction to the Enneagram is perfect for folks new to the Enneagram and for folks who already have some understanding and know their type.
The Enneagram is rooted in an ancient, dynamic system for understanding ourselves (and others). Unlike many of the more static personality typing models, the Enneagram leads us to deep self awareness, and personal transformation, helping us discover our true selves, beyond our ego and default behaviors. The Enneagram doesn't put you in a box, but helps you see the box you already inhabit (and offers ways to get out!) The nine ways of experiencing and being in the world articulated by the Enneagram, help us live beyond our knee-jerk, default reactions and behaviors, and engage the world, ourselves, and our faith with more compassion and understanding.
This in-depth introduction to the Enneagram will help you understand the system, and find yourself within it. This class will help you identify your own Enneagram type, and gain a deeper understanding of your motivations and default behaviors, cultivating compassion for yourself and others. The Enneagram can help us develop the kind of self-awareness that leads to real transformation, helping us live richer, deeper lives, and build healthier, happier relationships.
The Enneagram is rooted in an ancient, dynamic system for understanding ourselves (and others). Unlike many of the more static personality typing models, the Enneagram leads us to deep self awareness, and personal transformation, helping us discover our true selves, beyond our ego and default behaviors. The Enneagram doesn't put you in a box, but helps you see the box you already inhabit (and offers ways to get out!) The nine ways of experiencing and being in the world articulated by the Enneagram, help us live beyond our knee-jerk, default reactions and behaviors, and engage the world, ourselves, and our faith with more compassion and understanding.
This in-depth introduction to the Enneagram will help you understand the system, and find yourself within it. This class will help you identify your own Enneagram type, and gain a deeper understanding of your motivations and default behaviors, cultivating compassion for yourself and others. The Enneagram can help us develop the kind of self-awareness that leads to real transformation, helping us live richer, deeper lives, and build healthier, happier relationships.

Theology 101
Wednesdays | 6PM | Portable B | Begins March 19
Did you know that the work of theology isn't just for pastors or people with fancy theological degrees? And did you realize that each one of us is called as followers of Jesus to learn what it means to think theologically about the world around us? If you are wondering how that is possible and what you can do to learn those kinds of skills, then Pastor Leon has a class for you! Pastor Leon will be teaching a Theology 101 class beginning on Wednesday March 19th 6-8 PM. This class will cover all the major issues within Christian theology with a focus on developing skills to "do theology" in practical ways. The class will be divided into two parts and dinner will be available.

Body & Soul Yoga
Wednesday | 10AM | Zoom | Begins March 12
Thursdays | 10AM | Kid’s Building | Begins March 13
Join us for this Christ-centered yoga ministry where we will embark on a journey of becoming Love. Our practice will involve gentle yoga poses, deep breathing, meditations, and reflections while tapping into some spiritual qualities to enable us to transform our lives so we are living full and joyful in a world that seems full of difficulty. The series will be offered on-line on Wednesdays via Zoom 10-11 am (recorded) and in-person on Thursdays in the Kid's Building from 10-11 am. The cost of the series will be $30. Contact Margie Vockell at yogawithmargie@gmail.com

The Sin of Certainty
Thursdays | 7PM | Cafe | Begins March 6
The Sin of Certainty, by Peter Enns, Professor of Bible at Eastern University in St. David's, PA, is a compelling argument for letting go of our desire to have certainty about our beliefs about God, and instead, to cultivate the capacity to TRUST God. Enns draws upon his deep appreciation for the full panorama of scripture... especially the painful and dark passages... to present a challenge to the form of Christianity that holds up right belief as the principle way in which a life of faith is lived. Enns argues compellingly that a religion of the 'head' is inadequate for handling the traumas and trials of life that inevitably come our way. Trials like his own struggle to address his child's mental illness and the experience of being skewered by the school where he was a 14yr tenured professor...all at the same time. His argument is honest and persuasive, and extends a challenge to all followers of Jesus to consider just what a life of faith really means.

The Wisdom Circle
Sundays | 11:30AM - 12PM | Youth Building | Jan. 26-March 23
Class will meet in the Adult Portable on Sunday mornings. Participants will have an opportunity to go deeper into contemplative practices like silent meditation, chanting and Lectio Divina.
The series will also include an introduction to the Christian Wisdom tradition, as articulated by Cynthia Bourgeault in her book “The Wisdom Way of Knowing.” Using Lectio Divina, we will read excerpts from her book. Together we will explore how we can reclaim an ancient tradition to awaken the heart.
The series will also include an introduction to the Christian Wisdom tradition, as articulated by Cynthia Bourgeault in her book “The Wisdom Way of Knowing.” Using Lectio Divina, we will read excerpts from her book. Together we will explore how we can reclaim an ancient tradition to awaken the heart.
- The contemplative path itself is experiential – it’s less about dogma and belief systems and more about your relationship with God, and how that relationship changes us and changes the world. In this class there is no teaching. We’ll be praying, chanting, moving and reading together.
- The Christian Wisdom tradition is not about knowing more but knowing with more of yourself. It offers tools for inner transformation – like intention, attention and learning to find your center in the midst of life.
- In short, we become present. And in that state, we are able to bear the fruits of the spirit, in our own lives and on behalf of the planet.

Disciple Divers: The Meaning of Mary Magdalene
Mondays | 10:30AM | Portable B | Begins Jan. 13
The next study for the Disciples Divers will be the book "The Meaning of Mary Magdalene" by Cynthia Bourgeault. This book is an invitation into the origins and wisdom of Christianity through the apostolic witness of Mary Magdalene. The book should change something in you as it invites you to deepen your capacity for love, through the witness of Jesus' beloved disciple.
The study will start Monday, January 13, 2025 and run for 17 weeks. We meet in the adult annex every Monday morning from 10:30 until 12:00. We are called the Divers because we dive deep into each subject we take on. The book is available on Amazon. There is no study guide to purchase.
The study will start Monday, January 13, 2025 and run for 17 weeks. We meet in the adult annex every Monday morning from 10:30 until 12:00. We are called the Divers because we dive deep into each subject we take on. The book is available on Amazon. There is no study guide to purchase.

Bible Studies
Mary Martha Circle
First Thursdays | 1PM | Hybrid
The Mary Martha Circle (MMC) is a group of loving and caring women who meet for fellowship and study a Christ-centered lesson monthly, September to May. This year we will be focused on rediscovering joy through the book UnDistracted by Bob Goff.
Our name reflects our sisterhood with an emphasis on our faith and our good works, like sisters in the Bible, Mary and Martha. We support several church sponsored missions. We would love for you to join us! For more information, please contact Susan Wetmore or Patti Riggs.
Our name reflects our sisterhood with an emphasis on our faith and our good works, like sisters in the Bible, Mary and Martha. We support several church sponsored missions. We would love for you to join us! For more information, please contact Susan Wetmore or Patti Riggs.

Association of Retired Christian Men
Thursdays | 10-11:30AM | Church Library or Zoom
The Association of Retired Christian Men (ARCM) meets in-person every Thursday morning from 10-11:30AM in the church library and via Zoom. Please join us for fellowship and bible study! If you'd like to join, contact Fred Bloder.

Want to join a Centering Prayer Group?
Monday & Friday Mornings | 7:30 - 8:00AM CST | Zoom
Click the link below to learn more about prayer sessions that serve as a steady anchor which allow us, through God’s grace, to experience contemplative times of inner stillness and a peace that passes understanding.