“Love everybody” starts in our own community.
We believe a healthy community, like a healthy ecosystem, needs diversity. We like and respect each other, even when we disagree about how to live out our faith. And once we dive beneath the surface, we find that the things that bring us together are far greater and more important than those that divide us. The deeper we go, the more we find what unites us. Our Connect Groups & Events are designed to help us get to know and go deeper with one another.

Check out Upcoming Connect Events on our events page!
Want to get connected? Fill out our Time & Talent Form!
Scroll Through All Of Our Different Connect Groups!

Prime Time
Prime Time is a group of active adults who are cheerful, warm, accepting and involved. This is our time for adventure, so join us—we’re in the prime of our life, no matter what age!

Young Adults
No matter where you come from or how you got here, there is space for you. This group is open to those who are 21-35 and are seeking community, fun, and fellowship. Join us through our hangouts, game nights, sitting with us at worship, and drinks at local Austin breweries. We would love to have you!

She Time
She Time is a monthly social event for women of all ages and stages to get together, unwind and connect with other ladies in the Austin area. It’s open to all women over the age of 21, so be sure and invite some girlfriends!

He-Brews Men's Group
We are a group of guys connected loosely to Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church who enjoy visiting breweries in and around Austin! Join us for our monthly gatherings. There will be great beer and food, and as always an awesome group of guys to hang out with while you eat and drink!

Women's Book Club
3rd Tuesdays | 1:30PM | Sanctuary
Join us for a monthly book club where we discuss what we’ve read with other women! One of the wonderful side effects of this fellowship is the sense of community we’ve developed as we have met together. We‘ve made new friends who celebrate with us in times of joy and support us in times of illness or sadness.

Men's Book Club
1st Thursdays | 7PM | SHPC Library or Zoom
The SHPC Men’s Books Club gathers once a month for fellowship and discussion of the month’s chosen book. To receive the list of books we will be reading in our upcoming season and for more information, contact Gene Wright.