Pastoral Care at Shepherd of the Hills
One of the many benefits of being a part of a church family is that you have support during some of the most challenging times in your life and a bunch of cheerleaders during the most joyous moments. We don't always know when you need support, so please never be shy about letting us know when you do.
Your church is here for you--to pray for you, care for you, and walk alongside you during times of sickness, sadness, and loss. We're also here to celebrate with you during times of triumph, wondrous milestones, joyous life events, and more. Scroll through all our different pastoral care offerings.
Your church is here for you--to pray for you, care for you, and walk alongside you during times of sickness, sadness, and loss. We're also here to celebrate with you during times of triumph, wondrous milestones, joyous life events, and more. Scroll through all our different pastoral care offerings.
Pastoral Care Team
Our Pastoral Care Team meets weekly to review the Prayer List sent out to all our Deacons, Elders, Staff, and Stephen Ministers, among others. This Team also works with our Deacons to provide meals to those who need them, write cards, and provide visitation to the sick, hospitalized, homebound, or anyone who needs a caring touch.

~Provide Pastoral Care and Visitation to those in need
~Send cards of encouragement and care to members and friends
~Distribute Prayer Shawls created by our Prayer Shawl Team
~Provide meals to those going through challenging life events
~Serve at memorial services to provide food and hospitality
~Provide Grief Support to members who have suffered a loss
~Offer prayer and support to Homebound church members
~Send cards of encouragement and care to members and friends
~Distribute Prayer Shawls created by our Prayer Shawl Team
~Provide meals to those going through challenging life events
~Serve at memorial services to provide food and hospitality
~Provide Grief Support to members who have suffered a loss
~Offer prayer and support to Homebound church members
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers provide emotional and spiritual support when someone is hurting. They are lay congregation members trained to give one-to-one, confidential care to those experiencing a difficult time in their lives, such as grief, relationship problems, job loss, or illness. If you are in need of someone to walk with you through a challenging time or are considering becoming a Stephen Minister, please click the button below.

24 Hour Emergency Number
In an after-hours emergency, to get a message to a Pastor call 512-892-3580. Follow the prompts and then leave a message. Please allow some time for a response if the emergency happens overnight.
Prayer Ministry
Every week we send out a detailed prayer list to our prayer chain. sent out to all our Deacons, Elders, Staff, and Stephen Ministers, among others. Score of people at SHPC are ready and willing to support you through prayer.
Prayer Companions
Every Sunday, we offer the opportunity for anyone in worship to pray with someone after the service. We are committed to having one or two prayer companions in worship each week.